Report Access Levels

When creating and customizing reports, you can choose the level of access that users are granted.

To set user access levels for a report, edit the report in the Analytics module and select the MISC tab.

Share With: Select the security role(s) you want to have access to the report.

Rights: Select the level of access the users should have to the report.

Rights access level details:

  • None: The report is hidden.

  • Full Access: The report is available for users to view, modify, and save changes.

  • Read Only: The report is available for users to view, add or remove filters, and modify the existing filter values. Users can also modify the design of the report, but cannot overwrite the existing report with their changes. Design modifications can be saved as a new report.

  • View Only: The report is available for users to view but no changes can be made.

  • Locked: The report is available for users to view and modify existing filter values, but filters and fields cannot be added or removed and changes to the report cannot be saved.

Note: If a user is part of multiple security roles that have different levels of access to a report, the user will inherit the highest level of access from those security roles. For example, John Doe is part of two security roles, one has Full Access to a report and the other has View Only access. John will be granted Full Access to the report.